This is a heroic company which fought on many fronts in the Anti - Japanese War .
这是一支 抗日战争 中经过南征北战的英雄连队.
《现代汉英综合大词典》" Do you have an Anti - Japanese - Invasion Society in your school, Xiu ? " he asked.
“ 明秀,你的学校里有什么抗日会么?
汉英文学 - 林家铺子Anti - Japanese War , Ji - nan Administrative Office 1938 is a four - jurisdiction area.
抗日战争 时期, 1938年属冀南行署四专区管辖.
互联网They form the middle section of the anti - Japanese united front.
他们是 抗日 统一战线中的中间派.
互联网They form the progressive section of the anti - Japanese united front.
他们是 抗日 统一战线中的进步派.
互联网Hence the anti - Japanese war must and certainly will triumph.
互联网This is the place where anti - Japanese war had broken off.
这里是 抗日战争 暴发的地方.
互联网It forms the die - hard section of the anti - Japanese united front.
他们是 抗日 统一战线中的顽固派.
互联网Commanders at all levels in the anti - Japanese war should take note.
抗日战争 的各级指挥员,对此应当加以注意.
互联网Was it during the Anti - Japanese War that he died?
是在 抗日战争 期间他去世的 吗 ?
互联网Anti - Japanese War , the Chahar - Hebei border area has led authorities in Hirayama.
抗日战争 时期, 晋察冀边区领导机关曾驻平山.
互联网All such efforts should converge on the great Anti - Japanese National United Front.
伟大的 抗日 民族统一战线,就是这种努力的总方向.
互联网The anti Japanese war ended for us in an ultimate victory.
互联网Communist anti - Japanese joint is great.
国共联合 抗日 是伟大的.
互联网Anti - Japanese War , here are three areas.
抗日战争 时期, 这里属三区.
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