Germany has shown real determination to come to terms with the anti-Semitism of its past.
柯林斯例句Cosmopolitanism became difficult to disentangle from its overtones of anti - semitism.
辞典例句Herge's reputation is also marked by charges of anti - Semitism.
艾尔热还曾被指控为 反 犹太主义.
互联网All the variants contributed to Nazi anti - semitism policy.
正是这几股 反 犹的涓涓细流在当时德国的土壤上汇成了纳粹屠犹的滔滔恶浪.
互联网What exactly is anti - Semitism and why does it exist?
到底什么是 反 犹太主义?为什么它会存在?
互联网I felt superior to any accusation of anti - Semitism.
我觉得自己与任何有关 反 犹太的指控无关.
互联网Most of the facts discussed in " Fear: Anti - Semitism in Poland after Auschwitz " are well known.
在这本《恐惧: 奥斯维辛后波兰的 反 犹太主义 》 书中讲述了大部分为人所熟知的历史事实.
互联网This should forever end the debate over anti - Semitism and the death of Christ.
这将永远结束有关 反 犹太主义和基督的死的争论.
互联网It would trigger a tsunami of anti - Semitism that would inevitably translate into violence against Jews worldwide.
那将引发 反 犹太风暴,必然转化为针对犹太人世界的暴力.
互联网Anti - Semitism the rise in many places, including England, France, and much of the Middle East.
反 犹太主义在很多地方都呈上升趋势, 包括英格兰 、 法国和中东的大部分地区.
互联网Jewish - owned shops were shut down. Swastikas replaced six - pointed stars. The walls of anti - Semitism were closing in.
犹太人的铺子关闭了. 那旗子取代了六角星旗. 反 犹太主义的包围圈一天紧似一天.
互联网It is hard now for Jews to about anti - Semitism even when it does exist.
现在已经很难在谈论犹太人的 反 犹主义,即使它确实存在.
互联网The attempt to make discussion of anti - Semitism illegitimate is really attempt to deny that it exists.
企图利用 反 讨论主义,非法实际上是企图否认它的存在.
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