
  • 释义
  • 憎恨,仇恨,敌意;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    I have no animosity against him, and he's clearly seeking to pick a quarrel with me.

    我和他无冤无仇, 显然他是故意找我吵架.

  • 2、

    He felt no animosity towards his critics.


  • 3、

    Sir Geoffrey had no personal animosity towards the Prime Minister.


  • 4、

    There's a long history of animosity between the two nations.


  • 5、

    There are fears that the series could rekindle animosity between the two countries.


  • 6、

    The people of this country are full of animosity to the invaders.


  • 7、

    There exists animosity between them.


  • 8、

    She felt a burning animosity towards them.


  • 9、

    He continued, as we proceeded, to rail against beggars with as much animosity as before.

    我们一边往前走, 他一边仍然跟先前一样怒气冲冲地骂那些乞丐.

  • 10、

    Life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs.


  • 11、

    Their animosity runs deep.


  • 12、

    Therefore, we can understand depth of animosity between Germany and France.


  • 13、

    Vanity, egotism, and pride – they all hide a subtle unhappiness, a cleverly disguised animosity.

    虚荣 、 自负 、 骄傲,这些都暗含着一种微妙的不快, 一种巧妙伪装的敌意.

  • 14、

    There is great animosity between the two classes.


  • 15、

    She could not understand her brother's animosity against Bill.


  • 16、

    I was surprised there was so much animosity in his ( Adebayor's ) attitude towards Arsenal.


  • 17、

    Animosity is always frank, but friendship is not always that honest.

    仇恨通常是坦率的, 而友谊却不那么诚实.

  • 18、

    Instead of spreading love we're spreading animosity , lack of understanding, leading lives away from unity.

    我们非但没有传播爱,相反我们在传播仇恨, 彼此间缺乏理解使我们的生活远离团结.

  • 19、

    As the years have passed, the animosity between the two has only grown.

    几年过去了, 这种憎恶之感却在不断增加.

  • 20、

    If there is any personal animosity between the two men, it is not apparent.

    如果这两位男人之间存在什么个人仇恨, 我们从表面上似乎看不出来.

  • 21、

    Because of animosity in wartime toward anything German, England renamed the breed Alsatian.

    由于战争中与德国处于敌对状态, 英国从新命名它为阿尔萨斯牧羊犬.

  • 22、

    He has a strong animosity against his enemy.


  • 23、

    Although China and Vietnam are communist allies, they have a history of animosity.

    虽然中国和越南是共产主义盟国, 但是两国存在敌对的历史.

  • 24、

    I could sense the animosity between them.


  • 25、

    She thrust it away again, but with less animosity.

    她又把桃子推开, 不过这次态度缓和了些.

    ——英汉文学 - 汤姆历险
  • 26、

    The two brothers have finally patched up their quarrel after years of bitter animosity.


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