止痛剂,镇痛剂( analgesic的名词复数 );
I've taken a lot of analgesics . But they are not so effective.
我吃了不少镇痛药. 促是效果不怎么好.
互联网Combined analgesics for postoperative pain therapy: Review of effectivity and side - effects.
联合镇痛药在术后疼痛治疗中的应用: 疗效和副作用的综述.
互联网You should pay attention to cross - allergic reactions between different analgesics and antipyretics.
互联网Don't drink alcohol or beverage with alcohol while taking analgesics and antipyretics.
互联网OBJECTIVE : To investigate the utilization of narcotic analgesics in our hospital.
目的: 了解麻醉性镇痛药的应用情况.
互联网Treatment includes limited weight - bearing and bed rest, oral analgesics, and sacral corsets.
治疗方法包括限制负重、卧床 、 口服镇痛药和穿戴骶骨腰围等.
互联网Analgesics and medicines to control hypertension and diabetes.
互联网OBJECTIVE Studies on the effective parts of Cultivar Aralia Cordata Thunb . for analgesics and anti - inflammation .
目的研究栽培食用土当归 抗炎 镇痛的有效部位.
互联网Subsequently , symptoms can be relieved with analgesics , including acetaminophen, NSAIDs, or opioid narcotics.
以后,镇痛剂, 包括扑热息痛 、 非类固醇抗炎药或阿片类麻醉剂,都可用于缓解头痛症状.
互联网The most commonly implicated are antihypertensives and antidepressants. Others include antianginals , analgesics, and sedatives.
最常见的影响药物有降压药和抗抑郁剂. 其他药物包括抗心绞痛药 、 麻醉剂和镇静剂.
互联网D: Let's try some hormone extracts or some medicine for muscle relaxation, diuresis and analgesics.
我们试着用些激素制剂,肌肉松弛剂, 利尿剂和止痛剂.
互联网Objective : To analyse the existing status of dependence caused by the abuse of non - narcotic analgesics.
目的:分析 非 麻醉性镇痛药滥用及其导致的依赖性情况.
互联网OBJECTIVE : To evaluate the status quo and developmental trend of the use of the narcotic analgesics.
目的: 评价麻醉性镇痛药的应用情况及趋势.
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