
  • 释义
  • 振幅;广大,广阔,充足;(思想的)广度;角度距离;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The points of maximum amplitude are called antinodes. The points of zero amplitude are called nodes.


  • 2、

    As we fall asleep the amplitude of brain waves slowly becomes greater.


  • 3、

    The amplitude of the vibration determines the loudness of the sound.


  • 4、

    R ( L ) is the amplitude of the transmitted light.

    R ( L ) 是透射光振幅.

  • 5、

    Noise immunity is the maximum amplitude of noise.


  • 6、

    As the operating point crosses over the stability boundary, the chug amplitude disappears.

    当工作点越过稳定性边界时, 低频不稳定的振幅逐渐消失.

  • 7、

    As the cloud contracts its particles will be subject to an acceleration of increasing amplitude.


  • 8、

    This probability is related to the quantum wave amplitude in the barrier region.


  • 9、

    Small variations in amplitude of an oscilloscope display caused by electrical noise.


  • 10、

    Sound waves are measured by their amplitude.


  • 11、

    For the first time use, should be amplitude and velocity regulator scale are transferred 0.

    第一次使用时, 应将振幅与振速调节器的刻度都调至0.

  • 12、

    Working at tapping mode, atomic force microscope ( AFM ) piezoelectric microcantilever vibrates with large amplitude.

    在轻敲工作模式下, 原子力显微镜 ( AFM ) 压电微悬臂以较大的振幅振动.

  • 13、

    This paper present a circuit for automatic amplitude control that ensures that the oscillators amplitude constant.


  • 14、

    In pure seismology , ground motion is generally expressed by its amplitude.


  • 15、

    The simulation results indicate that the optimized structure parameters will reduce the shimmy amplitude obviously.


  • 16、

    Since the alleviating action is also larger, the pattern is one of cycles of increasing amplitude.

    由于缓解危机的措施规模也在扩大, 其模式是一种振幅日渐增强的周期.

  • 17、

    FOV: Allows you to customise the amplitude of your field of view.

    视场: 让您自选振幅你的视野.

  • 18、

    The variations of amplitude of earthquake acceleration normalized responsenormalized response spectrum ( BNRS ) with depth were evaluated.

    结果表明,地震动加速度 幅值 随深度的增加而减小,在浅层的变化速度较快.

  • 19、

    Great amplitude and highly nonlinear damping exist in the hydraulic damper of helicopter rotors.


  • 20、

    Chapter 2 discusses digital beamforming ( DBF ) of phased array radar and the amplitude and phase errors.

    第二章介绍了相控阵雷达的数字 波束 形成,并对接收机的幅相误差进行了分析.

  • 21、

    One, social content sheds amount amplitude to rise somewhat.


  • 22、

    When the brace is negative, N is positive and ( 4.20 ) predicts stable, finite amplitude oscillations.

    当大括号一项为负时, N为正,因此 ( 4.20 ) 式预报出稳定的有限振幅的振荡.

  • 23、

    When the load amplitude is above a critical value, the bucket settles obviously during loading.

    当载荷幅值超过一定值时,在激振过程中桶产生了明显的沉降, 桶的沉降较远处土体明显地快.

  • 24、

    Amplitude, time measurement and phase detection modes can be programmed.

    振幅, 通过程序控制来进行时间测量和相位探测.

  • 25、

    Progressively increasing the amplitude leads to the bouncing period doubling then quadrupling.


  • 26、

    Amplitude: The height or degree of execution of a move.

    摆幅: 完成一项动作的高度或幅度.

  • 27、

    In PMRG and ATG , P 300 amplitude increased and P 300 latency shortened.

