<正,夸>(使)改善,改进( ameliorate的现在分词 );
Ameliorating milk quality; Promoting butterfat rate; Decreasing cytokines in milk.
改善乳质, 提升乳脂率, 降低牛乳中之体细胞素.
互联网OBJECTIVE : To compare several METHODS : ameliorating the disintegration of calcium citrate tablet.
目的: 比较几种改善构橼酸钙片崩解度的方法.
互联网The paper and study of ancient of mineral matters ameliorating soil, but the records were fragmentary.
在长期的生产实践中,已摸索出利用矿物质改良土壤之法, 古文献中有零星记载.
互联网Meanwhile , ameliorating hypoxia, using proper anticoagulant and supplying blood coagulation factor would help homeostatic function recovery.
改善缺氧, 适当适时应用抗凝药物和补充凝血因子有助于止血功能的恢复.
互联网Have the ability of metal foundry mould designing and ameliorating , quality improvement . 6.
具备中等复杂铸件工艺设计、模具改进 、 质量维护的能力.
互联网We will provide omnidirectional logistics services for all customers by means of innovating, ameliorating, fulfilling demands.
在新的形势下,与时俱进,通过不断创新, 持续改进 、 满足需求,更好地为广大客户提供全方位的物流服务.
互联网Ameliorating Shape Quality . Effect trend of technical and Controlled Parameters in industrial production are introduced.
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