
  • 释义
  • (地中海以东国家的)奶妈,保姆,女仆;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Central to the book — and to his early life — was his amah , Yi Jieh.


  • 2、

    View of Shatin ( right ) and Tai Wai ( middle ) from Amah Rock.

    由望夫石望向沙田 ( 右边 ) 及大围 ( 中间 ).

  • 3、

    Amah Liu glanced with irritation of her face.


  • 4、

    Han Jia, look, Amah is waiting for us.

    韩佳你看, 阿妈等着我们呢.

  • 5、

    Once, amah in old judge of hearsay of public opinion bound and home has catch.

    有一次, 舆论界传闻大法官和家里的一位女仆有染.
