
  • 释义
  • adj.


  • n.


  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    These channels are most common near the apex of the alluvial fan body.


  • 2、

    Meeting the high mountains, hills, valleys both alluvial plain.

    次高山 、 丘陵 、 河谷冲积平原兼而有之.

  • 3、

    Geology: an alluvial plain of the Yangtze River Delta, from rivers, lakes, shallow sediment composition.

    地质: 属长江三角洲冲积平原, 由河 、 湖 、 浅海沉积构成.

  • 4、

    City is located in the deep basin Heilonggang Hutuo OXBOW for the alluvial plain.


  • 5、

    He Yong in the staggered, a small number of platform for Hilly, mostly alluvial plain.

    境内河涌交错, 小部分为低丘台地, 大部分为冲积平原.

  • 6、

    The water cuts the alluvial banks of the " lower " river into deep horseshoe curves.

    河水把下游那些 冲积 的河岸冲成很深的马蹄形曲线.

  • 7、

    Bangkok is surrounded by a vast, damp, alluvial plain, crisscrossed by a network of klong,.

    曼谷为一个广阔潮湿的冲积平原所环绕, 有纵横交错的运河网.

  • 8、

    Thus, alluvial channel flows are simultaneously sculptor and sculpture.

    这样, 冲积河槽水流既是塑造者,同时又是被塑造者.

  • 9、

    Small alluvial fans at mouths of wet weather drainage ways also are commonly intermixed indistinguishably.


  • 10、

    Sedimentary facies include river bed , alluvial flat, neritic , river mouth and limnetic, littoral, weathered continental drift bed and flood deposit facies.

    沉积相主要有河床相 、 河漫滩相、浅海相 、 河口湾相、湖沼相 、 滨海相和陆相坡积洪积风化红土等7种类型,它们的分布与古河谷的形成演化和海平面的变化密切相关.

  • 11、

    Tianjin is actually a port area located on the alluvial soil shaped by the Hai River.


  • 12、

    The parent material for the two locations is river alluvial soil.


  • 13、

    Soil is mostly alluvial flood formation, mainly cinnamon, tidal soil two broad categories.

    土质多为洪水冲积形成, 主要有褐土 、 潮土两大类.

  • 14、

    Terraces by the fourth grade alluvial, alluvial material , thick loess soil better.

    阶地多由第四级冲积 、 洪积物组成,黄土层厚,土质较好.

  • 15、

    The main sedimentary system includes fluvial, delta, alluvial fan and lake facies.

    主要沉积体系为河流 、 三角洲 、 冲积扇及滨浅湖相.

  • 16、

    Mineral products has oil, natural gas, bittern, alluvial gold to wait.

    矿产有石油 、 天然气 、 盐卤 、 沙金等.

  • 17、

    Shenzhen City is tidal belt of land for flood alluvial loess.


  • 18、

    The soil tested was derived from river alluvial material , selected soil characteristics are given in Table 1.


  • 19、

    Forestry Minxian Ma alluvial gold along the tree farm in the village.


  • 20、

    Thrawing frozen ground is the key to alluvial gold mining in Permafrost horizon.


  • 21、

    Many minerals are found in alluvial deposits of sand, clay, or gravel.

    许多矿物都是在砂土 、 泥土或砾石冲积矿床中发现的.

  • 22、

    This is an alluvial flat where no villager dares to plant crops.

