
  • 释义
  • 暗指,间接提到;影射;典故;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Perhaps blue eyelashes are this allusive sign , virginal behavior this fragile allusion.


  • 2、

    He made an allusion to a secret plan in his speech.


  • 3、

    He resents any allusion to his baldness.


  • 4、

    He looked like his allusion as he raised his eyes to Mr. Lorry's face.


  • 5、

    He made no allusion to his term being near.


  • 6、

    Harry was hurt by an allusion to his failure.


  • 7、

    His brows clouded at the allusion.


  • 8、

    A burning blush upon the girl's face showed that she understood the old man's allusion.


  • 9、

    The allusion served as a timely reminder to Darnay.


  • 10、

    After them, the use of allusion was popularized.

    骈文用典, 自此愈演愈烈,至于梁陈,则几于句句用典.

  • 11、

    Her poetry is full of obscure literary allusion.


  • 12、

    In allusion of them, technical reform put in practice on the basis of analyzing original system.

    针对上述两个问题,在对原烟气系统进行分析的基础上, 进行了技术改造.

  • 13、

    Mr. Fang, you should have recognized the allusion . You're not like us!

    方先生, 你应该知道出典, 你不比我们 呀 !

  • 14、

    The translation of the poem involves literary allusion, poetic words, angle of person, tone, etc.

    此诗在翻译过程中,涉及了典故 、 诗词用语 、 人称 、 口气等诸多微妙而不易传达的方面.

  • 15、

    Did you catch that allusion?

    你明白其中隐含的意思了 吗 ?

  • 16、

    Digital arithmetic of Hilbert transform is given in allusion to DRFM adopting single channel sampling.


  • 17、

    In allusion to this phenomenon , an effective segementing algorithm is presented to solve this problem.

    对这一情况, 文章提出了一种有效的分割算法.

  • 18、

    In allusion to this phenomena, we analyzed these courseware and instructional systems.

    针对这种现象, 我们对各种教学软件及教学软件开发系统进行了分析.

  • 19、

    The form of allusion refers to steady and concise expression of language.


  • 20、

    Mr. B may get hurt by your allusion to his previous scandal.


  • 21、

    In allusion to cheat, this paper proposes a secure electronic commerce identity verification protocol.

    针对电子商务活动中存在的冒名欺诈问题, 设计了一个安全的电子商务身份验证协议.

  • 22、

    She said it in allusion to that affair.


  • 23、

    The sign of his hostelry was in allusion to one of his feats of arms.


  • 24、

    Estate sets the right of allusion to be building droit.


  • 25、

    He was hurt by any allusion to his previous misconduct.


  • 26、

    The classical Chinese garden is Chinese classical allusion culture carrier. Her interest and aesthetics is infinite.

    中国园林是中国古典文化的载体, 她所蕴含的趣味与美学是无穷的.

  • 27、

    An allusion to the vaporous state of water the Cloud the functional support of the Museum.


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