[人名] 阿利亚,阿莉娅(女名);[地名] [意大利] 阿利亚;
Long Jing 1 ( L 01 ) is the effective component extracted from asiatic todd - alia.
龙晶一号 ( L01 ) 是从飞龙掌血中分离出的有效成分.
互联网The committee recommended, inter alia, that he be promoted.
互联网Frivolity alia, is what fashion does. And what if it does?
轻浮, 就不该是时尚,如果它是,就会受到指责.
互联网Frivolity , inter many alia, is what fashion does.
轻薄,埋葬了许多说不清的东西, 这正是时尚的功能.
互联网Amendments Parties may amend this Agreement having regard , inter alia, to the experience gained in implementation.
互联网Alia is often asked if teaching students her own age or older makes her uncomfortable.
互联网The Signatories may amend this Agreement inter alia, to the experience gained in its implementation.
1各签署方可修正本协定, 应特别注意在实施本协定中获得的经验.
互联网Automatic licensing procedures shall be deemed to have trade - restricting effects unless , inter alia.
除非符合下列条件, 否则自动许可程序应被视为对贸易有限制作用.
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