
  • 释义
  • 运算法则;演算法;计算程序;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Interpolate of spatial figure is that completes interpolate algorithm of spatial arch and straight line.


  • 2、

    In this algorithm , a multicast tree's forest is formed during the ant movement progress.


  • 3、

    A complete data encryption system must consists of a reliable authentication mechanism and an encryption algorithm.


  • 4、

    Considering the characteristic of CDMA with continuous pilot channel ascheme is obtained by simplifying the algorithm.


  • 5、

    A topic overlay network search ( TONS ) algorithm, P 2 P search mechanism based on topic partition, is presented.

    提出一种基于主题划分的P2P搜索算法———主题覆盖网络搜索算法 ( TONS ) .

  • 6、

    An algorithm to optimize artificial neural networks structure based on constructive method is presented.


  • 7、

    The inverse beamforming ( IBF ) algorithm is simple and easy to be used in the practical engineering.

    本文给出的逆波束形成 ( IBF ) 方法具有抗多途效应效果好、算法简单、易于工程实现等优点.

  • 8、

    Without spectral peak searching and complex computation, this algorithm works well for pairing among parameters.

    仿真试验表明,该算法估计精度高、计算量小, 有一定的实用性.

  • 9、

    The efficiency and feasibility of model and algorithm are confirmed by using some cases.


  • 10、

    And designing the PID algorithm with pressure adjustable, proceeded the overall digIt'simulation.

    并设计了多门限的PID控制算法, 对飞机刹车系统进行了整体的数字仿真.

  • 11、

    This paper proposes a robust feature extraction algorithm for speech recognition.


  • 12、

    In the algorithm if mode space is continual. model set converges gradually to the given range.


  • 13、

    This smoothing algorithm can preserve the structure information in the original image while smoothing It'simultaneously.


  • 14、

    Experimental results prove the effectiveness of the algorithm, and It'suits the large data.

    实验证明, 该算法适用于处理大数据集.

  • 15、

    An adaptive control algorithm was put forward aiming at two main problems existing in the system.


  • 16、

    It has advanced motion detection algorithm, including masking feature.

    它有先进的运动检测算法, 其中包括掩蔽特征.

  • 17、

    This paper focuses on auto - organization algorithm of topic - related reports and the topic organization algorithm search technology.


  • 18、

    The diagnosis method that combines fuzzy algorithm with neural network algorithm is further discussed and practiced.


  • 19、

    The outlier pattern can be efficiently detected from time series by this algorithm.


  • 20、

    The new algorithm is simple and understandable , predigesting the process accurate measurement of gear form error.


  • 21、

    This algorithm could be Variable Bit Length Encoding as each code variablelength.


  • 22、

    Base on and research, optimize marshalling station's scheduling algorithm system architecture of manufacturing andsystem.

    通过不断归纳总结, 对调度作业计划单的自动生成算法进行了部分的优化研究.

  • 23、

    A hybrid search algorithm was composed of chaos optimization and simplex method.


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