Our worldwide corporate membership includes airframe and engine manufactures, avionics and systems integrators, suppliers and consultants.
工业界的会员包括飞机机体,发动机制造业, 航空电子设备和系统集成商, 供应商和顾问公司.
——期刊摘选Antibody is produced by the airframe after infection.
——期刊摘选The tank location for these vehicles is chosen for optimum airframe design for axial loads.
辞典例句Moreover, addition movement of the airframe can result from aerodynamic or propulsion noise.
辞典例句Since the earliest man - powered flights, airframe design has demanded an ever - improving standard of technology.
从最早的人力飞行以来, 飞机机体的设计要求不断地改进工艺质量标准.
辞典例句The 3 rd, enhance the immune power of airframe, prevent infection.
第三, 提高机体的免疫力, 预防感染.
互联网This invention relates generally to a lift augmentation system for an airframe.
互联网This innovative use of material reduces airframe vibrations substantially.
互联网About 50 % of airframe has been renewed.
互联网Such warnings include airframe ice, carburetor ice, landing gear tire blown, and others.
这些警告包括飞机框架结冰, 内燃机汽化器结冰, 起落架爆胎, 以及其他的等等.
互联网Then a wall of shock and heat tossed him back hard against the Hornet's airframe.
互联网Airframe noise prediction is a major area of research in aeroacoustics at present.
互联网The application of composites molding by vacuum - only cure technology in SUAV airframe is presented.
互联网For an independent airframe heavy maintenance facility , 50 and 70 percent of the technicians are FAA - certificated.
对于独立的机体大修企业来说, 企业中大约 50-70% 的人员拥有FAA执照.
互联网Airframe strength not only superior, but also can save 35 percent off manufacturing costs.
不但机身强度出众, 而且还可以节约掉35%制造成本.
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