
  • 释义
  • 助手;副官;侍从武官;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    An aide avowed that the President had known nothing of the deals.


  • 2、

    Hitler turned and peered closely at his aide - de - camp . Those beady eyes never failed to unnerve Puttkamer.

    希特勒蓦地转过身来,两眼盯着他的 副官, 他那双咄咄逼人的小眼睛总使普特卡默心里发慌,手足无措.

  • 3、

    This tiny bedroom belonged to Washington's aide - de - camp , and the small bed was actually a field - ready roll - up.

    这个小小的卧室属于华盛顿的 副官, 小床,实际上是外地准备推出了.

  • 4、

    The brothers chip in a certain amount of money each month to hire a home health aide.


  • 5、

    She is a nurse's aide.


  • 6、

    He was supposed to act as the marshal's aide.


  • 7、

    One newly hired aide said, " if you offered Geneen an opinion based on feeling, you were dead. "

    一位新雇用的助手说: “ 如果你凭感觉给吉宁提意见, 那你就完了. ”

  • 8、

    The President picked up his phone and spoke to an aide.


  • 9、

    An assassin was to dispatch the president and his aide.


  • 10、

    They have also subpoenaed top presidential aide Karl Rove.


  • 11、

    He made no exception for Eisenhower whose aide was responsible for the record.


  • 12、

    That day, an aide had brought Clara to the group.

    那天, 一个助理把克莱拉带到我们的活动小组中.

  • 13、

    The aide didn't know what the booklet was.


  • 14、

    NOTE: This is a visual aide only.

    注意: 这只是一个视觉的辅助物.

  • 15、

    His closest aide now is his wife, Rosario Murillo.


  • 16、

    When Baltar was president, who was his chief aide?

    波尔塔做总统的时候, 谁是他的首席助理?

  • 17、

    Each representative to the conference had been allowed one aide.


  • 18、

    I remembered to put on gloves, and the aide handed me a face shield.

    我记得戴上了手套, 助手递给我一个面罩.

  • 19、

    Palmer's campaign aide, Elizabeth Nash, is in bed with her lover, Alexis Drazen.

    帕默的竞选活动助手, 伊丽莎白.纳什在床上和他的情人亚历克西斯.德拉赞缠绵.

  • 20、

    Obama aide promotes job plan, warns automakers.

    奥巴马助手推动工作计划, 警告汽车制造厂.

  • 21、

    Grace, I think I can get a meeting with Hauser's aide.

    格雷丝, 我想我能和豪瑟的助手见一次面.

  • 22、

    Another senior aide left Mr McCain's team because of lobbying.


  • 23、

    McCain brought back . She ended up being adopted by a young McCain aide and his wife.


  • 24、

    Thus, I include it here as an aide to my students.

    因此, 我列举本文于此以协助我的学生.

  • 25、

    Hager is a business school student and former White House aide.


  • 26、

    DOGGETT's AGENTS, including the irritating aide, AGENT CRANE , come running toward him.

    道根的探员们, 包括那个气人的助手, 克雷恩探员,朝他跑去.

  • 27、

    The General's aide was a Major from the countryside.


  • 28、

    Everything was aide, at least for a day.

    所有的一切都被抛到了一边, 至少在那一天.
