The aetiology of ALS is not clear.
互联网Objective: To investigate aetiology of constipation and evaluate the diagnostic value of defecography retrospectively.
目的: 通过回顾性比较分析用排粪造影法探讨便秘成因及临床应用价值.
——期刊摘选Objective : To summarize and discuss the aetiology, clinical presentation, diagnosis and management of gallbladder carcinoma.
目的: 探讨原发性胆囊癌的病因 、 临床表现 、 诊断及治疗方法,总结原发性胆囊癌的治疗经验.
——期刊摘选Methods: The methods of epidemiological survey and fieldwork sampling were applied to find out the aetiology.
——期刊摘选The aetiology of AD remains unknown and as yet, there is no known cure.
由于AD发病机理十分复杂,迄今为止尚不清楚, 因此尚无理想的防治药物问世.
——期刊摘选Objective To investigate the aetiology, diagnosis, misdiagnosis and therapy of eosinophilic gastroenteritis.
目的探讨嗜酸性胃肠炎(EosinophilicGastroenteritis, EG)病因 、 诊断 、 误诊原因、治疗方法.
——期刊摘选The aetiology, clinical characteristics, and management of this case are discussed.
将探讨病因, 临床上的特徵以及处理方法.
——期刊摘选Objective To retrospectively analyze the role of colonic transit test in diagnosis and aetiology of constipation.
——期刊摘选The aetiology of GERD 、 FD and IBS is unknown, but overlap is frequent.
GERD、FD和IBS病因尚不清楚, 但症状可互相重叠.
——期刊摘选Sudden sensorineural hearing loss ( SSHL ) is emergency case in Otorhinolaryngology with unclear aetiology and autotherapy.
——期刊摘选So , its aetiology, pathogenic mechanism, the methods of diagnosis and treatment and so on were discussed.
并对此病的病因 、 发病机理 、 诊断和治疗方法等进行了探讨.
——期刊摘选Perceptions of Controllability: Are Adolescents Receiving an Appropriate Message about the Aetiology of Obesity?
可控性的知觉: 青少年正在接受导致肥胖原因的合理信息 吗 ?
——期刊摘选Here , we review Legionaires disease aetiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical symptom, pathological change, therapy and prophylaxis etc.
本文就军团菌的病原学 、 流行病学 、 致病机理 、 临床症状, 病理变化及其治疗和预防方面进行综述.
——期刊摘选Type 1 diabetes mellitus is a common chronic disease in childhood, and its aetiology is unclear.
1型糖尿病(type1DM )是儿童期一种常见的慢性病, 其病因未明.
——期刊摘选Due to the unclear aetiology and pathogenesis, the therapeutic options of eczema are relatively limited.
由于湿疹的病因复杂多样,发病机制不清, 治疗效果不甚理想,严重影响患者的生活质量.
——期刊摘选Aetiology and treatment of intestinal obstruction in 84 cats wereexamined and analysed.
——期刊摘选The second part deals with the aetiology of hysteria in Sethe.
——期刊摘选Objective To study the aetiology and epidemiology of tick borne spotted fever in northeastern area.
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