A false aneurysm is the term applied when only the adventitia is present.
——辞典例句Inadequate cell nutrition around vessels causes degeneration of tunica adventitia.
辞典例句The tunica adventitia of middle arteries was comprised of abundant elastic fibers.
互联网Vascular adventitia: Bystander, active player or trigger for atherosclerosis?
血管外膜: 动脉粥样硬化旁观者? 参与者?启动者?
互联网The wall of the digestive tract includes mucosa, submucosa muscular layer and adventitia.
消化道管壁由粘膜层 、 粘膜下层、肌层和外膜组成.
互联网Immunohistochemistry results demonstrated marked inflammation and hyperplasia of fibroblast in adventitia in the control group.
互联网The traditional method for tracing intima and adventitia curves is manual measurement performed by experienced physicians.
互联网The tunica adventitia was serous membrane , but in the mesosalpinx, it was connective tissue.
外膜为浆膜, 在输卵管系膜处为结缔组织.
互联网Survival depends on the integrity of the adventitia and adjacent tissues to contain the hemorrhage.
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