吸附( adsorb的现在分词 );
The QA adsorbtion percentage at continuant adsorbing is over 95 %.
互联网The methods of modifying ACF , the mechanisms and dynamics of adsorbing H 2 S using ACF were summarized.
归纳了ACF的 改性方法 、 ACF吸附H2S的反应机理和动力学研究.
互联网The degree of furan removing and adsorbing capacity with CNA - 795 in different regenerating conditions were mensurated.
互联网What's the green pigment found in most plants that is responsible for adsorbing light energy?
互联网Objective : To select the optimal macroporous adsorbing resin for adsorbing active components in Er - xian decoction.
目的: 优选对复方二仙汤中主要活性成分吸附性能最佳的大孔吸附树脂.
互联网It may be used as the core of fine capsules, adsorbent for adsorbing different functional substances.
主要用作微胶囊芯材 、 吸附剂,吸附各种功能性物质.
互联网The importance of studying the efficiency of adsorbing methyl iodide by the impregnated carbon is emphasized.
互联网The adsorbing agents such as molecular sieves, metal oxides, active carbons, etc sulfides removal are presented.
介绍了分子筛类 、 金属氧化物类 、 活性炭类等脱硫吸附剂.
互联网The results show that adsorbing effect occurs on the surface and inside of water - washing waste cerevisiae.
互联网Several kinds of oil are investigated for oil - adsorbing capacity of melt blown polypropylene fabric ( MBPP ).
以熔喷 聚丙烯 非织造布为吸附材料,考察其对不同原油的吸油性能.
互联网AIM the method for adsorbing and separating total flavone in Radix Puerariae and in Folium Crataegi.
互联网Consequently, fractal theories areto be promising in studying the structure and adsorbing capacity of macroporous resins.
因而, 用分形理论研究大孔树脂结构与性能的关系是可行的.
互联网With the increasing of crude oil viscosity, the adsorbing speed of MBPP decreases.
随著油品粘度的升高, 熔喷聚丙烯非织造布吸油速率相应下降.
互联网Objective To study the performance of ion exchange fiber adsorbing and desorbing puerarin by batch method.
互联网Main Function : purifying indoor air, adsorbing peculiar smell, dispelling stinks, damp proofing , anti - mildew and germ - proofing.
净化室内空气 、 吸除异味 、 祛除臭味 、 防止潮湿 、 抗 霉防菌等.
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