养父母( adopter的名词复数 );
It therefore remains an option adopters than for normal motorists.
互联网Determine project scope ( for example, early adopters, departmental deployment )
确定项目范围 ( 例如, 早期的使用者 、 部门部署 )
互联网The rough boy has been civilized by his adopters.
互联网Uh, by problem, he means a few early adopters have faced some minor challenges.
啊, 对于问题, 他是指很少一部分早期采用者面临一些次要的挑战.
互联网Please send a note after the adoption to save other adopters'time and effort.
互联网Early adopters first develop hand - coded solutions that quickly fail to scale for even small developments.
互联网Losing the loyalty of early adopters who appreciated personalized service and a relaxed coffee - house atmosphere.
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