
  • 释义
  • 助手;助理;副官;辅助的东西;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Offer adjutant therapy to accommodative myopia, insomnia, and dark eye sockets and help eliminate fatigue.

    对调节性近视、消除疲劳 、 失眠 、 黑眼圈等有辅助治疗作用.

  • 2、

    I'm going out myself with the adjutant to recce training areas.


  • 3、

    Conclusion The bibliotherapy is an effective adjutant method of rehabilitation for patients with depression.


  • 4、

    During this fight, a divisional adjutant and a commander of the engineer regiment were killed.

    战斗中, 一名师部副官和一名工兵联队长阵亡.

  • 5、

    And adjutant adjunct professor is higher hired to teach for a limited time, usually one semester.

    助理教授的教学时间是有限的, 通常是一个学期.

  • 6、

    Then Geebbels called his adjutant , S . S . Hauptsturmfuehrer and instructed him to fetch some gasoline.


  • 7、

    Also did not take adjutant, did the general leave alone so?

    也没带副官, 将军就这样只身离去了?

  • 8、

    He did not mention , even to his adjutant, that he had just had his children murdered.

    他甚至对他的副官也没有说, 他已将他的孩子们害死了.

  • 9、

    Rick met his adjutant at the hatch.


  • 10、

    I am Guardsman Valleroy , adjutant to Lt . Mumphreys.

    我是守卫瓦罗瑞, 马姆利少尉的副官.

  • 11、

    Hitler's SS adjutant Otto Gunsche poured gasoline over them and set fire to them.

