Effects of adipocyte - derived cytokines on endothelial functions: implication of vascular disease.
脂肪源性细胞激素对内皮功能的影响: 血管疾病的暗示.
互联网One of the method is immunization with antibodies to adipocyte plasma membrane.
互联网Many transscription factors are described for the regulation of adipocyte differentiation.
互联网However, a nonspecific lipid binding reagent, xylazine , does not affect adipocyte differentiation or mitotic expansing.
而非特异性的脂质结合试剂, xylazine, 不影响脂肪细胞分化和克隆扩增.
互联网Clonal populations from individual stem cells could form neuron - , astrocyte -, and adipocyte - like cells upon inducted differentiation.
自单个干细胞而来的细胞克隆在不同条件诱导下可以形成神经元样 、 胶质样及脂肪样细胞.
互联网A subpopulation of cells differentiated into adipocyte - like cells when cultured in 10 % fetal bovine serum.
互联网Adiponectin is recently described as an adipocyte secreting hormone, which is abundant in human plasma.
脂联素是新近发现的由脂肪组织特异分泌的一种激素, 在人体血浆中含量丰富.
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