[医] 腺病;
Local infection or trauma causing the adenopathy should be searched for carefully.
互联网Oropharyngeal and dental infections can also cause cervical adenopathy.
互联网Supraclavicular adenopathy is almost always abnormal.
互联网Whenever there is evidence of generalized adenopathy, these groups should be uated carefully.
任何存在广泛性淋巴结病的证据情况下, 这些淋巴结组应被仔细评估.
互联网Bilateral cervical adenopathy is also prominent in tuberculosis coccidioidomycosis infectious mononucleosis toxoplasmosis sarcoid lymphomas and leukemias.
互联网Abdominal adenopathy is usually rated by computerized abdominal tomography, gallium scanning, ultrasonography, or lymphangiography.
腹腔淋巴结可通过腹腔计算机断层摄影术检查, 镓扫描, 超声检查或淋巴管造影术.
互联网Concomitant epitrochlear axillary and supraclavicular adenopathy should raise the question of cat - scratch fever.
互联网Inguinal adenopathy can also be part of systemic processes such as lymphoma or leukemia.
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