
  • 释义
  • 适应性;合用性;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The adaptability of wool is one of its great attractions.


  • 2、

    Applying this valve to gas appliance shows stable combustion condition, strong adaptability and high security.

    在燃具上使用双控燃气稳压阀,燃烧工况稳定, 适应性强,安全性高.

  • 3、

    Enthusiasm, adaptability, sociability, and good health are essential.


  • 4、

    The adaptability of youth to new surroundings is one of their good qualities.


  • 5、

    We will emphasize the membrane absorption technique due to its popularity and adaptability to field conditions.


  • 6、

    I have good adaptability. I am willing to change myself to make me better.

    我有适应性, 我愿意改变自己,让自己变得更美好.

  • 7、

    Coordinate with Applications , Engineering , Marketing, and Sales on adaptability of our product to customers'special needs.

    对客户提出的产品特殊需求,同工程部 、 市场部和销售部进行沟通协调.

  • 8、

    Sensitive action , active thinking, with a certain degree of adaptability.

    动作灵敏, 思维活跃, 具有一定的应变能力.

  • 9、

    The behavior characteristic can be concluded as Inertia character and changed character, active character and adaptability.

    本文将广州市民的收视特征概括为惯性与可塑造性 、 主动性与适应性.

  • 10、

    I am enthusiastic and have strong responsibility, patience, spirit of team work and adaptability.

    我有热心,有责任心, 有较强的忍耐力, 有团队意识和良好的环境适应能力.

  • 11、

    In addition , it has wide adaptability for the controlling system to use modularization design.


  • 12、

    The morphological characteristics, biological characteristics and adaptability of caper spurge are reported.

    报道了引进的能源植物黄鼠树的形态特征 、 生物学特性以及在引种地的适应性.

  • 13、

    It indicates further relation and adaptability between morphological characteristics and functions in raptors terrestrial bird therewith.


  • 14、

    EAIP based on AIA has many advantages such as clear - structure, open - ability and self - adaptability.

    由于该体系结构清晰的层次性以及Agent所 具有的自主能力、社交能力、反应能力和行为理性,不仅使该平台具有清晰的结构, 而且具有良好的开放性、集成性和灵活性.

  • 15、

    Stated the adaptability of different metering devices to the oil wells. And made an overall evaluation.

    说明系统的不同计量装置对油井的适应性, 并进行了综合评价.

  • 16、

    In the endurance and adaptability, no one close to the Premiership his level.

    在适应能力和忍耐力方面, 英超没有任何人接近他的水平.

  • 17、

    The reliability and validity of the " Adaptability Test for Safe Drive " were emphatically?

    重点对 “ 安全驾驶适应性测验 ” 的信度和效度进行了研究和检验.

  • 18、

    This characterization was one of mechanism of Karst adaptability of Orychophragmus violaceus.


  • 19、

    Further, microbes have marked adaptability, and mutant species can be induced artificially.

    进一步, 微生物标记了伸缩性, 并且可以人为地导致突变体种类.

  • 20、

    It has features as compact confirmation, easy operation and good adaptability.

    具有机构紧凑 、 使用方便、适应能力强等特点.

  • 21、

    We Chinese believe in cyclic history and adaptability of old wisdom and pragmatism of old wisdom.


  • 22、

    The learning adaptability of students has an immediate effect on their learning efficiency and quality.


  • 23、

    Current methods for forest resource inventory have a defect of strong spatial connection but poor adaptability.


  • 24、

    Flower bulbs have a profusion of varieties and good adaptability, and are easy to be cultured.

    球根花卉种类丰富、适应性强 、 栽培便利,在切花、盆花生产及花坛、花境等园林应用中占有重要地位.

  • 25、

    In addition , this course pays more attention to the expression diversity, adaptability and appropriateness.

    比较注意表达的多样性 、 适应性以及得体性.

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