Result The activeness, enthusiasm and practical abilities in nursing students were improved.
结果护生的主观能动性 、 工作积极性和实际操作能力得到提高.
互联网Explore your activeness, think hard , attend to discussion in class.
发挥主观能动性, 勤于思考, 积极课堂讨论.
互联网Sulfur recycle catalyst activeness decline reason and its preventive measures are analyzed.
互联网Therefore, his subjectivity is the dialectical unity of purpose, activeness and limitation.
因此他的主体性是目的性 、 主动性和受动性的辩证统一.
互联网A concept of activeness of software and its implementation are presented.
互联网This prevents the viral activeness most effective ingredient until now, may enhance organism the immunologic function.
这是迄今为止防止病毒活性最有效的成分, 可以提高机体的免疫功能.
互联网One of the most important principles un - derlying the conduct of war has to be pro - activeness.
互联网The dimension of career decision - making attitude included five factors: activeness, independence, confidence, utilitarian and decisiveness.
其中职业决策态度又分为五个方面,即主动性 、 独立性 、 自信心 、 功利性和稳定性.
互联网Conclusion FTS can enhance the NK cell activeness, has function the anti - tumor and the immunity strengthen.
结论FTS能够提高NK细胞的活性, 具有 抗肿瘤 及免疫增强的作用.
互联网Synergy mechanism based on BI make the information have more intelligence and activeness.
互联网The activeness change in resistance in some kind of insect enzymes was summarized.
互联网According to Psychology research, metacognition plays an important role in the realization of activeness.
心理学研究发现, 元认知在学生的主体意识表现中起着十分重要的作用.
互联网Person should has sense of quality, health, enviroment , awareness, activeness and result orientation.
具有良好的质量 、 健康 、 安全 、 积极主动, 以结果为导向.
互联网Aati - tumors : The dye lignin has the cytotoxin activeness to the human boby rhinitis cancer ( KB ) cell.
抗肿瘤: 染料木素对人体鼻炎癌 ( KB ) 细胞有细胞毒活性.
互联网It can cause the body tissue activeness, adjusts in vivo to be balanced, enhancement immunity ability.
它能使人体组织活性化, 调整体内平衡, 增强免疫能力.
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