AIM To evaluate the clinic manifestations of primary lung actinomycosis.
目的 提高原发性肺放线菌病临床认识.
互联网Objective : To deeply explore the happening, development and clinicopathologic features of the actinomycosis.
目的: 进一步认识放线菌病的发生 、 发展及临床病理特征.
互联网Pelvic pseudotumoral actinomycosis withmultisegmental lumbosacral root failure . A case report ( Fren )
骨盆放线菌病假瘤累及多段腰骶神经根1例 ( 法 )
互联网Primary actinomycosis of the greater omentum.
互联网Endobronchial actinomycosis is a rare condition and may mimic a neoplasm, tuberculosis, or pneumonia.
摘要支气管内放线菌感染是一罕见的疾病,临床上可能被误诊为肿瘤, 肺结核或肺炎.
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