Gracie and Bruno are two elite cultivars of Actinidia deliciosa var . deliciosa.
互联网I also love love Actinidia Actinidia understand!
互联网The main organic acids inA actinidia chinensis a re : malic acid, acid, palmitic acid, acid and acid.
猕猴桃中的有机酸主要是苹果酸 、 柠檬酸 、 棕榈酸 、 油酸和亚油酸等.
互联网A method was developed for the quantitative analysis of organic acids in Actinidia chinensis by GC.
互联网In Beijing area the double fertilization of Actinidia chinensis occurred 30 - 72 ho - urs after pollination.
互联网Xiao - Xing - Zhang eye drops were made by purified material from Radix Actinidia Chinese Planch.
互联网Conclusion The extracts from Actinidia arguta by ethyl acetate have good inhibitory effect on Eca - 109 cells.
结论藤梨根乙酸乙酯提取物能有效抑制人食管癌 Eca -109细胞生长.
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