acre 地产;air control radar 空中指挥雷达;airfield-controlled radar 机场控制雷达;advanced capabilities radar 高级功能雷达;
Alkali | aggregate reaction ( AAR ) may be divided into two kinds: alkali | silica reaction ( ASR ) and alkali carbonate reaction ( ACR ).
碱集料反应 ( AAR ) 可分为两类, 即 碱硅酸反应 ( ASR ) 与碱碳酸盐反应 ( ACR ).
互联网AAR can be assorted two classifications: Alkali - Silica Reaction ( ASR ) and Alkali - Carbonate Reaction ( ACR ).
AAR主要 分两类: 碱 - 硅酸反应(Alkali-Silica Reaction, 简称 ASR ) 和碱 - 碳酸盐反应 ( Alkali-CarbonateReaction,简称ACR ).
互联网ACR is a copolymer of methyl methacrylate with acrylate.
互联网ACR resin with multi - layer core - shell construction was synthesized by multi - stage emulsion polymerization.
互联网ACR small amount of polymer manufacture, marketing; Chemical raw materials sales.
ACR聚脂制造 、 销售; 化工原料销售.
互联网PVC resin processing ACR improve agent production, marketing; Rental housing.
PVC加工改进剂ACR树脂生产 、 销售; 房屋出租.
互联网ACR is required to provide IPTV service for users.
由于IPTV在 三网融合中的特殊地位,要求ACR能够很好地为用户提供IPTV服务.
互联网Better mechanical properties can be achieved by using nano - CaCO 3 combined with ACR.
将nano-CaCO_3与ACR抗冲 改性剂配合使用能使PVC具有 较高的力学性能.
互联网The current lineup, including the ACR and competition versions, will continue.
现今的生产线, 包括ACR和 竞赛版, 也将持续开发.
互联网The function, production status and market trends of ACR has been briefly introduced.
概述了ACR的功能 、 生产简况及市场趋势.
互联网Acrylic resin ( ACR ), as an impact modifier for R - PVC, was synthesized by latex interpenetrating poly - mer network technique.
采用乳液聚合技术合成了硬聚氯乙烯(R - PVC)抗冲击改性剂丙烯酸酯类聚合物 ( ACR ).
互联网ACR, CPE and EVA, which were used as processing aids and impact modifiers, were blended with CPVC.
利用ACR 、 CPE和EVA作为加工助剂和抗冲改性剂与CPVC共混.
互联网Acrylic resin ( ACR ), as an impact modifier for R - PVC , was synthesized by latex interpenetrating network technique.
采用乳液聚合技术合成了硬聚氯乙烯(R-PVC)抗冲击改性剂丙烯酸酯类聚合物 ( ACR ).
互联网So the ACR is an effective modifier for improving impact strength of PVC.
因此所合成的ACR是 一种有效的PVC抗冲改性剂.
互联网The available ACR made by different manufacture and its various application were also discussed.
并讨论了不同生产商的ACR加工助剂及其在PVC中 的不同用途.
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