获得( acquire的现在分词 );(使用探测器)捕获(目标);取得;(计算机、机器人等)捕捉;
There is talk of China acquiring an aircraft carrier.
——期刊摘选The EU is now acquiring greater assurance and authority.
柯林斯例句McCain also says Iraq must be prevented from acquiring a nuclear weapon.
互联网The circuit of acquiring pressure and software programming was introduced.
互联网After acquiring Warner Industries, stock in Acme Corp. went up by 12 %.
并购华纳企业之后, 艾克米公司的股票上涨了百分之十二.
互联网Financial Services: Direct Seed Capital Investment, Acquiring Start - up and Growth Capital Investment.
金融服务包括: 直接种子资本投资 、 得启动和发展资本投资.
互联网They are acquiring new tastes, buying brand - new products and adopting new lifestyles.
他们要变换口味, 购买新产品,接受新的生活方式.
互联网New phages can develop by acquiring restriction enzymes from plasmids.
互联网Such heresies reportedly deterred a number of libraries from acquiring the book.
互联网Lester: FastTrek has been considering acquiring a cable - and - parts manufacturer for some time.
雷斯特: 青云科技好一阵子以来一直想收购一家电缆和零件的制造商.
互联网The rules for acquiring substantial wealth are few, simple.
获取可观财富的规则只有几条, 而且简单.
互联网Motor analysts said acquiring Volvo technology made sense for Geely.
互联网We are acquiring an understanding of the history of monotheism.
互联网Methods of acquiring information as varied as the information as itself.
互联网Automatically acquiring knowledge on Internet is always a bottleneck for intelligent systems.
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