
  • 释义
  • n.


  • adj.


  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    The accordion is at full blast in the room.


  • 2、

    Where some people learned to play the accordion for dances in their community, others took music lessons.


  • 3、

    The background music was provided by an accordion player.


  • 4、

    The accordion music reminds me of my boyhood.


  • 5、

    The accordion music in the film isn't very beautiful.


  • 6、

    Mr. Wu can play the accordion very much.


  • 7、

    Through the wall, he heard someone playing the accordion.


  • 8、

    Fishes blots out the sky and the land , dancing around Trapp and the accordion vehicle.

    铺天盖地的鱼,从天上游下来, 围着手风琴车在查普的周围起舞.

  • 9、

    The accordion has lost its characteristic, and its art form becomes stiff.

    手风琴丢掉了自己的特色, 艺术形式呆板.

  • 10、

    Most of the instruments they use are from the West, such as guitar, bass, accordion, harmonica.

    他们使用的大部分乐器都是西方的, 比如吉他 、 贝斯 、 手风琴 、 口琴.

  • 11、

    Chinese accordion is one of the evidences of the influence of western music on Chinese music.


  • 12、

    " Reluctantly, I strapped on the accordion and played some simple songs.


  • 13、

    Skunk : Right, me neither. My spine's like an accordion.

    对, 我也是. 我的脊骨变成手风琴了.

  • 14、

    The study is walled off from the living room by an accordion door.


  • 15、

    The coherence of contract allocation and institution allocation means the relationships of mutual complementary , accordion, and evolution.

    契约配置与制度配置的耦合性表现为它们之间具有互补性 、 协同性和演进关系.

  • 16、

    She is mater is playing saxophone, accordion and piano.

    她是母校正在发挥萨克斯, 手风琴和钢琴.

  • 17、

    Junior flower, piano, accordion, basic knowledge of music training.

    少儿电子琴, 钢琴, 手风琴, 音乐基本素养的培训.

  • 18、

    If I knew where you hid my accordion!


  • 19、

    Fanfold: Also called Accordion fold , Concertina fold , Over and back fold , Zigzag fold.

    扇形摺: 亦称风琴摺, 之字摺.

  • 20、

    Over and back fold: Also called Accordion fold, Zigzag fold.

    之字折: 亦称风琴折, 扇形折.

  • 21、

    For the next two weeks, the accordion was stored in the hall closet.

    后来的两个礼拜, 手风琴一直搁在门厅的壁橱里.

  • 22、

    Is it OK with you if I play the accordion now?

    我现在就拉手风琴行 吗 ?

  • 23、

    But my fancy accordion might as well have been a cardboard box that afternoon.


  • 24、

    Zolotaryov is one of heavyweight composers in the modern and contemporary development history of accordion.


  • 25、

    I can play the accordion.


  • 26、

    I knew how hard Dad worked to scrape together enough money for my accordion and lessons.


  • 27、

    The accordion was in full blast in the hall.


  • 28、

    On that wonderful evening, as my wife and children laughed and danced, they heard my accordion.

    就在那个美妙的夜晚, 我的妻儿又笑又跳, 听着我拉手风琴.
