
  • 释义
  • 抽象;出神;抽象概念;抽象化;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    water abstraction from rivers


  • 2、

    Andrew noticed her abstraction and asked, "What's bothering you?"


  • 3、

    Virtually every product design must bridge the digital abstraction and the real analog world.


  • 4、

    Is it worth fighting a big war, in the name of an abstraction like sovereignty?


  • 5、

    "Third World" is an abstraction, a form of shorthand.


  • 6、

    He wore a look of abstraction and I knew his thoughts ware far away.


  • 7、

    After the abstraction of the juice from the orange, only a tasteless pulp is left.

    柳橙里的汁去掉後, 只剩下不可口的肉了.

  • 8、

    The idea of redness is an abstraction.


  • 9、

    The Indian genius is a love for abstraction time, a passion for the concrete image.

    印度人的天赋表现为:热爱抽象观念, 却不失对具体形象的激情.

  • 10、

    HAL is a specification and an implementation of a hardware abstraction layer.


  • 11、

    The Object Oriented technology an essential feature of abstraction, is the prevailing software development method nowadays.


  • 12、

    It is worth observing that will is an abstraction.


  • 13、

    A standarized implementation of a data abstraction layer, suitable for any kind of database structure.

    这是个数据抽象层的标准实现, 适合各种数据库结构.

  • 14、

    In general, an abstraction is a model or ideal.

    一般来说, 所谓的抽象就是模式或典型.

  • 15、

    Good object oriented design recommends the abstraction of the data store from of the application.


  • 16、

    This is a kind of abstraction.


  • 17、

    Such an individual becomes a metaphysical abstraction.


  • 18、

    Chinese Abstraction GetFont. exe running, it must document library copy of the current directory.

    汉字字模提取程序运行GetFont. exe时, 一定要将字库文件Hzk16拷贝到当前目录中.

  • 19、

    Increased OS abstraction can also increase the potential for performance reduction and limitations.


  • 20、

    Interestingly, note that threads share the virtual memory abstraction while each receives its own virtualized processor.

    有趣的是, 注意在线程之间可以共享虚拟内存,但是各自拥用自己的虚拟处理器.

  • 21、

    A mathematical definition of variable minimal unsatisfiability ( VMU ) is introduced to drive this abstraction refinement process.

    引入变量极小不可满足 ( VMU ) 的数学概念来驱动抽象精化的验证过程.

  • 22、

    No one would have dared to break into his abstraction ( Alan Paton )

    没有人胆敢打断他的臆想 ( 艾伦佩顿 )

  • 23、

    What exactly is the insanity that would allow so many to die for such an abstraction?


  • 24、

    Maximize abstraction to maximize stability.


  • 25、

    A Message Server abstraction that provides facilities to locate and load particular MTM components.


  • 26、

    The fundamental ideas behind classes are data abstraction and encapsulation.


  • 27、

    To represent ( an object or abstraction ) by a human figure.

    以人形代表 ( 事物或抽象的观念 )

  • 28、

    What is an abstraction layer?


  • 29、

    He has shown neither patience nor impatience, nor attention nor abstraction.

    他既没有表示有耐性,也没有表示没有耐性, 既没有表示注意地听,也没有表示心不在焉.

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