
  • 释义
  • 专制主义,绝对论;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    They are saying, with varying degrees of absolutism, that animals should not be exploited at all.


  • 2、

    Gill points to the death of moral absolutism as a major factor.


  • 3、

    Not all absolutism is derived from religion.


  • 4、

    The taxation system of the early modern France has prominent traits influenced by the absolutism.


  • 5、

    These ideas have been interpreted by some as indicative of liberal opposition to absolutism.


  • 6、

    It is neither absolutism nor mysticism, nor nihilism, but full of logics and dialectics.

    也不是什么神秘主义或虚无主义, 它的论证形式充满了逻辑与辩证法的意味.

  • 7、

    We, however, should oppose the standpoint of absolutism and carry out the dialectics in the comprehension.

    在坚持客观性立场时, 又必须反对绝对主义的立场,贯彻理解问题上的辩证法.

  • 8、

    Everything else in them is nothing but absolutism, preaching, moral didacticism.

    其余所有的一切对于他们而言只是专制 、 说教, 道德教训而已.

  • 9、

    Hill , Buckler, A History of Western Society II : From Absolutism Western Civ textbook, for background reading.

    《西洋社会史 II: 从绝对主义迄今》, 一本西方文明教科书, 作为了解时代背景的读物.

  • 10、

    The world people have a great antipathy to absolutism.


  • 11、

    In the long struggle to reconcile industrial absolutism and political democracy, Court played a delaying action.

    在调和工业至上与政治民主的长期奋斗中, 最高法院采取了拖延手段.

  • 12、

    To this day, the feudal political absolutism has not disappeared.


  • 13、

    Instead, they turn to the law for this despotism, this absolutism, this omnipotence.

    相反, 他们会求助于法律来实现这种专制制度 、 种绝对主义 、 种无限权威.

  • 14、

    Baxi ( 2006 ) places the debate about absolutism, universalism and relativism of human rights in perspective.

    即针对人权议题的专制主义, 普遍主义及相对主义提出其论点.

  • 15、

    The same cry was heard in 1979, only for one form absolutism to yield to another.

    1979年也传出过同样的呼喊声, 但是仅仅唤来另一种专制主义形式.

  • 16、

    The rejection of absolutism implicit in our constitutional structure may sometimes make our politics seem unprincipled.


  • 17、

    In the feudal society of absolutism, derive the Lilliputian of flatter the most easily.

    在专制主义的封建社会中, 最容易衍生谄谀的小人.

  • 18、

    Absolutism: You have bicephalous milk cow, the country takes away both ends, shoot you next.

    专制主义: 你有两头奶牛, 国家拿走两头, 然后把你枪毙.
