Deviation in aviation is dangerous. Writing is alleviated via bias on abbreviation.
在航空过程中的不符合是危险的. 写被关于缩写通过偏见减轻.
——期刊摘选ASI is the abbreviation for Articulated Subject Index.
ASI是ArticulatedSubjectIndex 的简称,国内习惯称之为“挂接主题索引”.
——期刊摘选Writing is alleviated via bias on abbreviation.
互联网A. D. is the abbreviation for " advertisement " .
A. D. 是 advertisement 的缩写.
——《简明英汉词典》Each Reader's Digest condensed book is an abbreviation of an originally longer work.
——《简明英汉词典》" Mr " is the abbreviation of " Mister ".
“ Mr ” 是 “ Mister ” 的缩写.
——《现代汉英综合大词典》EVA is the abbreviation for Economic Value Added.
EVA是经济增加值(EconomicValueAdded) 的英文缩写.
——期刊摘选Saturday's performance was an abbreviation of the more famous longer version of the play.
——期刊摘选As a matter of fact, Blog is the abbreviation of Webblog.
事实上, 博客这个词是网络日志的缩写.
——期刊摘选Abbreviation of the buyers'name.
——期刊摘选Company name is restricted to maximum of 35 English characters; please use abbreviation where necessary.
请填上公司名称(上限为35个英文字母), 如有需要,请填上简称.
——期刊摘选PGA – Abbreviation for Professional Golfers Associations. The official and recognized body for golf.
职业高尔夫球协会的缩写. 是一个公认的高尔夫机构.
——期刊摘选Hypo: Abbreviation for sodium hyposulphite, a chemical used to fix photographic images after development.
大苏打: 英文是硫代梳酸钠的简称.是显影后把照相影像定影的化学剂.
——期刊摘选The abbreviation key for the reading is given at the end.
——期刊摘选Women's lib is abbreviation of women's liberation, which is the movement for equal rights for women.
是女性解放运动的缩写, 这个运动主要的诉求是争取女性平权.
——期刊摘选VP is the abbreviation for Virtual Prototype. It is a new method of product development.
VP是英文Virtual Prototype 的缩写,即虚拟样机,是一种崭新的产品开发技术.
——期刊摘选Molecular conductor is the abbreviation for the electrically conducting molecular crystal.
——期刊摘选VOICE: " Multiverse " is an abbreviation for " multiple universes. "
“多元宇宙 ” 就是宇宙有很多重的缩写.
——期刊摘选Identification of Modern Chinese abbreviation is a very important study in Chinese information processing.
——期刊摘选English abbreviation is seen everywhere now.
——期刊摘选ISO and ISO 9000 ISO is the abbreviation of International Organization for Standardization.
——期刊摘选An abbreviation, It'stands for lifestyles of Health and Sustainability.
——期刊摘选Could you expand this abbreviation? I don't know what It'stands for.
你能写出这个缩写的全称 吗 ?我不明白它的意思.
——期刊摘选Laser is a dramatic , direction ensuer abbreviation for " good artificial light source. "
激光是一种频率高、 亮度高 、 方向性强、单色性好的人造光源.
——期刊摘选NFL – The abbreviation for National Football League.
——期刊摘选They contain the patterns we have sensed, but in a shorthand, an abbreviation, a generalize ? tion .
它们囊括了我们所感知的, 只是被速写 、 缩写 、 一般化 罢了.
——期刊摘选In China, for gas compression and gas transportation machinery abbreviation usually called fan.
在我国, 对于气体压缩和气体输送机械的简称通常叫做风机.
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