The bank is met by chance surpassing image Zhang Bai Zhi!
——期刊摘选Horizontal bend basically is changing bottom of cuboid and bone, Zhi bone.
横弓主要在换骨 、 骰骨和跖骨底部.
互联网David intelligent, good at poetry, guan zhi line after the Secretary chancery.
幼聪慧, 擅诗词, 后官至行尚书省左司员外郎.
互联网Ji Zhi for food , abdominal distension Wan Man - oh pain, indigestion Dengzheng.
用于饮食积滞, 脘腹胀哦满疼痛, 消化不良等症.
互联网Xia zhi xing: i just passed by by chance not eavesdrop.
夏之星: 我只是刚好经过,不是偷听.
——期刊摘选Xia zhi xing: God, please bless vernon to arrive at destination safely.
夏之星: 神啊, 请你保佑天骐,让他平安抵达终点.
互联网Zhi imitated the natural sounds of wood and streams to make music.
互联网The seal read " Ah Zhi, " and another " I'm eighty years old this year. "
我特别喜欢他的诗,生活气息浓, 有一种朴素的美.
汉英文学 - 现代散文City and east of Pegasustang shou chang Han Chi Wagu zhi Ottawa.
互联网It is a old interview posted in jia za zhi's old version.
互联网China's 2008 Olympic year, is zhen zhi you zhen year.
2008是我国奥运之年, 是慎之又慎的一年.
互联网Xia zhi xing: No. I am star made of steel.
夏之星: 不要,我是铁打的星星.
互联网Here, we can Chongshou Templekui zhi a long history and past glory.
于此, 我们可窥知崇寿寺久远的历史和昔日的风采.
互联网Her teachers are the famous artists Yu Zhen - fei , Shen Chuan - zhi , etc.
她师承 俞振飞 、 沈传芷等名家.
互联网On the scroll, Cao Zhi and the Goddess appear many times.
在画卷中, 曹植和洛水女神反复多次出现.
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