美国人( Yank的名词复数 );美国佬;美国北部各州的人;(美国南北战争时期的)北军;
He yanks his hand brake up at every stop.
互联网The driver slams on the brakes and yanks the wheel.
互联网The old chain only needed a couple of yanks before It'snapped.
互联网This'yanks'the line into buffer.
互联网Wal - Mart Yanks Pregnant Barbie Pal from Shelves Barbie having babies?
互联网Well, this will be a tough game for the Yanks.
真的啊, 这对洋基队将是一场苦战.
互联网Humberto Sanchez , the top prospect the Yanks received for Sheffield, could also be ready in 2007.
这位洋基交易掉雨刷伯所得到最好的投手, 可能也会在2007年备战.
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