Wall Street Journal <美><华尔街日报>;
WSJ Are you getting recognition from heavyweights in academia or policy making?
——期刊摘选WSJ: What will the Renault - Nissan electric car look like?
《华尔街日报》: 雷诺和日产会生产什么样的电动车?
互联网WSJ: You've described the filmmaking process as trench warfare.
《华尔街日报》: 你把电影的制作过程形容成阵地战.
互联网WSJ: Did you learn perhaps to be more about talking about politics?
你有领悟到要更小心地谈论政治 吗 ?
互联网WSJ: Can the emerging markets continue to grow at those rates?
《华尔街日报》: 新兴市场能保持住目前的增长率 吗 ?
互联网WSJ : What advice would you give someone starting out in your field?
互联网WSJ: Who is hurting the most in this market?
《华尔街日报》: 汽车市场上受挫最严重的是哪些公司?
互联网WSJ : Can all the auto makers survive in such a tough market?
《华尔街日报》: 是否每个汽车生产商都能在这种恶劣的环境下挺过来?
互联网WSJ : How is the arrangement working for now?
《华尔街日报》: 目前的管理方式是如何运作的?
互联网WSJ: What's your understanding of the primary cause of this drought?
《华尔街日报》: 您对引发本次旱情的主要原因怎么看?
互联网WSJ: Are you comfortable with the battery technology as it exists?
《华尔街日报》: 你对现有的电池技术满意 吗 ?
互联网WSJ: What advice would you give someone entering your field?
问: 你会对那些刚刚进入这一领域的新人提些什么建议?
互联网WSJ: Are there any business books you recommend?
您能向大家推荐一些商业书籍 吗 ?
互联网WSJ does this award mean for the movie?
《华尔街日报》:得奖对这部电影意味着 什么 ?
互联网A new study suggests why, the WSJ reports.
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