Velocity Meter 速度计;
The average inhibitory rates of DDP, E - ADM, VM 26, Taxol, Gemzar, 5 - Fu and BLM were 47.6 %, 38.0 %, 42.7 %, 27.4 %, 23.0 %, 26.3 % and 24.8 %, respectively.
顺铂(DDP) 、 表柔比星(E-ADM) 、 替尼泊苷(VM26) 、 紫杉醇(Taxol) 、吉西他滨( Gem zar) 、 氟尿嘧啶(5-FU)和BLM的平均抑制率分别为47.6% 、 38.0% 、 42.7% 、 27.4% 、 23.0% 、 26.3%和24.8%.
互联网Mean velocity ( Vm ) in vertebral arteries ( VA ) and basilar arteries ( BA ) were measured using transcranial doppler ( TCD ).
采用经颅多普勒 ( TCD ) 脑血流分析技术测定两侧椎动脉 ( VA ) 及基底动脉 ( BA ) 平均血流速度 ( Vm ).
互联网Install fuel injectors use tool VM - 1012 ( refer to Group 14, Fuel System ).
用工具VM -1012 安装燃油喷射器 ( 请参阅单元14, 燃油系统 ).
互联网One VM was Hotspot , and I think the other VM was JRocket.
互联网The VM type cryogenerator is a mini - device using heat imput from outside.
互联网The good: The BlackBerry VM - 605 features a loud speaker for clear calls.
好: 黑莓船民-605具有通话清晰响亮的扬声器.
互联网When unpacked these values are not there so the VM knows it's been dumped.
互联网How does VM explain these findings?
VM怎么解释这些发现 呢 ?
互联网So why not scroll back a bit here and put a bp earlier in the VM.
互联网It contains some valuable gems of information about the VM.
互联网Once again this'll include some VM tracing and analysis.
互联网ACPA was increased in VM. CS treatment could decrease ACPA.
VM患儿 ACPA阳性率增加,皮质激素可降低ACPA阳性率.
互联网ACPA is increased in VM. CS treatment may decrease the ACPA.
互联网To find out more about the system requirements for the VM visit our Technical FAQ.
互联网A systematic methodology that integrates element analysis into a design - centered virtual manufacturing ( VM ) system is presented.
提出了有限元分析和以设计为中心虚拟制造 ( VM ) 系统的集成方法.
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