varia lectio <拉>(稿本的)异文;
Variable-Loss 可变损耗
Vacuum Limitter真空限制器
Vertical Ladder竖梯
Vertical Line垂直线
virtual life虚拟人生
Visceral leishmaniasis黑热病
The three dimensional structure of VL was also modeled by computer homology modeling techniques.
互联网Objective : To study the clinical characteristics, diagnosis and treatment of intravenous leiomyomatosis ( IVL ) of the uterus.
目的: 探讨子宫静脉内平滑肌瘤病 ( vl ) 临床特征和诊治要点.
互联网Famous Personage: The Duke of Edinburgh, Pope John Vl.
著名人物: 爱丁堡公爵, 教皇保禄六世.
互联网To study the anti - stimulation action of maire i ( le vl ) Grireson.
研究鸡肉参的 抗 应激作用.
互联网Results Total 9 VL, 4 VK and 7 VH chains of variable region genes were obtained.
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