Clemenza said dryly, " The Turk has heard about his spy Paulie Gatto. "
克莱门扎不动声色他说: “ 那个‘土耳其人’显然已经知道了他的奸细鲍里-嘎吐的下场了. ”
教父部分Turk Malloy: Are you in yet?
特科·麦劳伊: 你侵入到电脑系统了 吗 ?
互联网What was beautiful was that the Turk was underrating him as a punk kid.
教父部分It was possible that this would turn out to be something else, not the Turk.
教父部分The Turk was smiling.
互联网Turk and others believe Bernanke will follow suit.
互联网If we go after the Turk and the Families interfere, we'll negotiate the issue.
要是咱们想抓那个‘土耳其人’,而其他大家族要插手干涉, 那咱们就将计就计来谈判.
教父部分He hung up the phone, went to Sollozzo's side and whispered in the Turk's ear.
他挂上电话, 走到索洛佐身旁,凑近这个“土耳其人”的耳朵,叽叽咕咕地小声说了些什么.
教父部分You make your brother out a regular Turk.
辞典例句Tattaglia put a glass in front of the Turk, who nodded his thanks.
塔塔格里亚拿来一杯酒放在‘土耳其人’面前, ‘土耳其人’点点头,表示感谢.
教父部分That we'll have to give the Turk his deal.
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