A Florida boy who was abducted at gunpoint in this Tampa Bay area neighborhood is safe.
互联网A court at Tampa, Florida has convicted five officials on drugs charges.
——柯林斯例句A jumbo jet is just coming into the Tampa Airport on its final approach.
互联网Florida police say TV pitchman Billy Mays has died in his Tampa home.
互联网Florida police say TV pitchman Builin Maiz Billy Mays has died in his temperhoe Tampa home.
互联网Last year, they relocated to Tampa , where the rent is cheaper.
互联网And watch out for those traffic circles in Tampa but those roundabouts in Reading.
互联网Carlos Pe ? a drove in three runs for Tampa Bay , one on a home run off Farnsworth.
卡洛斯佩 拿为魔鬼鱼敲出3分, 其中包括一支从方斯沃斯手中击出的阳春炮.
互联网However, Tampa is a small, clean and tidy with a rare street pedestrian.
坦帕是个小城, 干净整齐,很少行人.
互联网Now they sit in fourth, a mere one game above the Tampa Bay Devil Rays.
现在洋基在美联东区排名第4, 仅仅领先坦帕湾魔鬼鱼队1场而已.
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