The neighborhood was a battleground for Shiite and Sunni militias.
互联网Its distinctive characteristics , which differ from Sunni Islam today, are mostly originated from this period.
什叶派今日种种不同于逊尼派的特征, 大多肇源于此.
互联网The attack happened yesterday in Mahmoudiya, the Sunni insurgent stronghold about 20 miles south of Baghdad.
此次袭击位于距离巴格达南部20公里远的马赫茂迪亚地区, 该地区由逊尼派武装控制.
期刊摘选If Nineveh's council took on a Sunni nationalist hue, the insurgents might be in trouble.
如果尼尼微议会带上了逊尼派民族主义色彩, 那反叛分子可能就有麻烦了.
互联网One Sunni participating in the political process is Adnan al - Dulaimi.
互联网But the radicals among the Sunni insurgents seem able to impose their agenda on the rest.
互联网Some towns in the province have a record of Shia - Sunni enmity.
该省的一些城镇拥有什叶派 -逊尼 派相互仇恨的记录.
互联网Most of the candidates Mr Maliki is seeking to bar are Sunni.
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