佛塔( stupa的名词复数 );
These stupas consist of Mandala with five Buddhas.
互联网There are many references to stupas for the Buddha and arahats throughout the entire Mahayana literature.
互联网This and style of stupas in the design of lotus, plants, sculpture inscription and small sculptures.
从舍利塔上的莲花 、 物纹样 、 像铭和小佛像几个方面看,应属晚唐五代的装饰造像风格.
互联网The three pools actually refer to the three gourd - shaped stupas in the lake.
实际上,“三潭”即是指湖中呈葫芦 状 的三塔.
互联网Stupas represent the mind of Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, which is to benefit all sentient beings.
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