Standard;标准 Subscriber Trunk Dialing 长途电话拨号;Sexually Transmited Disease 性传染病;
Objective To understand Urogenital Mycoplasma prevalence in STD clinic attenders and determine nine drugs sensitivity.
Check and maintain STD cost of BOM and process in the system.
互联网At last, the paper discussed the Ada software development strategy adaptable to DOD - STD - 2167 A.
互联网Are solderability test performed per IPC - 6012, Class 2 and method D of J - STD - 003 , Category 2?
是否根据IPC-6012, 2级标准与J-STD-003, D方法,第2章执行焊锡性测试?
互联网Connector's solderability can meet MIL - STD - 202 F standard . Finish shall be free of contaminants.
产品可焊性符合 MIL -STD-202F标准规定的相关要求,表面不得有污染物.
互联网The system usesthe single - chip microcomputer and the standard STD system.
互联网Conclusion: This study highlights the urgent need to improve STD education among STD clinic attendees.
结论: 研究结果显示急需加强对性病患者的健康教育.
互联网STD . TEXTIO . READ ( CHARACTER ) failed , trying to extract a value from ''''.
应该是文件读写问题,但是我查看了该文件, 当前要读取的一行数据跟之前已经读出的几行 字符 并无明显区别.
互联网Sexually transmitted disease ( STD ): Disease transmitted primarily by direct sexual contact.
性传染病: 经直接性接触而传播的疾病.
互联网In STD patients 40 were TPHA, WB and EIA - positive but 32 were TRUST - positive.
对照组中TPHA阳性40例,免疫印迹法确认阳性40例, 酶免疫法阳性40例,TRUST阳性32例.
互联网The STD code for London is 071.
互联网To see pictures of common STDs, please visit our STD pictures page.
要查看常见性传播疾病的照片, 请访问我们的性病图片页面.
互联网Std shipping duration is 3 days for all international destination.
互联网Replace length cut springs to std. springs. Close blind holes.
将定尺弹簧改成标准弹簧. 关闭盲孔.
互联网IEEE Std 421.4 - 2004 , IEEE Guide for the Preparation of Excitation System Specifications [ S ].
大型水轮发电机静止励磁系统及装置技术条件.电力行业标准 [ S ].
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