[医][=simplified periodic acid atain]简易高碘酸染色法;
Home spas or mini whirlpools massage and relax, and can be fitted into the bath.
——柯林斯例句Conghua Hot Spring Spas and celebrities River, is Chimingzhongwai scenic areas and convalescence resort.
从化温泉又名流溪河温泉, 是驰名中外的风景区和疗养胜地.
——期刊摘选Winter spas are now the smart set's choice for serious R&R.
——柯林斯例句To compare Lyon � � s PAS standardized staining and traditional PAS staining.
互联网Objective : To compare Lyon � � s PAS standardized staining and traditional PAS staining.
目的: Lyon′sPAS标准法与传统PAS法的比较.
互联网Spas are popping up in airports across the globe.
互联网If you want to visit more spas , HaiRui Tomb is worth visiting.
互联网Stem rust produces radish round spas reddish - brown spots on the stems of infected plants.
互联网It appears that stressed - out executives are seizing on spas as a much - needed chance recharge their batteries.
互联网Historians say Beethoven visited health centers called spas.
互联网With the highly speedy development of China's economy, spas are becoming popular in China. "
随着中国经济的快速发展, 目前,中国正掀起一股温泉热.
互联网They work well in restaurants, spas and hotels.
饭店 、 假村和酒店都是他们的目标.
互联网Here spas to fully experience huahua america and tourists to the health of the concept.
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