Standard for General Markup Language 通用标记语言标准;
Standard Generalized Markup Language ( SGML ) is used to mark the logic structure of text.
标准通用置标语言 ( SGML ) 是用来标记文件逻辑结构的语言.
互联网SGML is intended to be absolutely independent of any application.
互联网Be sure to keep a copy of the original English SGML source that you translated from!
互联网Because SGML is a means to describe a language formally, it is known as a meta - language.
因为SGML是 一种正式地描述一种语言的方法, 所以它以 元语言 而知名.
互联网A simplified version of SGML especially designed for web documents, developed by the W 3 C.
互联网XML takes the most commonly used parts of SGML and packages them in an easy - to - understand way.
互联网An HTML document is an SGML document that meets the constraints of this specification.
互联网This is good, because SGML is incredibly general, flexible and hard to understand.
这一点很有利, 因为SGML非常通用 、 灵活但难以理解.
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