The practical value of apomixis in plant breeding is rem.
互联网Likewise, this one is also equipped with the OTIS'REM'remote management system.
同样地, 本机亦装有奥的斯的'REM'遥距管理系统.
期刊摘选He believes that narcolepsy is attributable to an inability to suppress REM sleep during waking.
期刊摘选REM sleep , however, is the proverbial riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma.
然而REM睡眠, 却是众所皆知的包于谜团中的谜中之谜.
期刊摘选Some AQM algorithms, such as REM and PI, explore this aspect.
期刊摘选The two researchers called this Rapid Eye Movement or REM sleep.
互联网Objective : To study the REM sleep in depression.
目的: 探讨抑郁症患者快眼动(REM) 睡眠的异常改变以及与临床的相关性.
互联网DAN + exhibited a mean lowest oxygen saturation ( MLSaO 2 ) < 90 % during REM sleep.
10例 DAN +患者在快速动眼期MLSaO2<90%.
互联网When people awaken during REM sleep they describe bizarre and illegical tale - dream.
互联网In this paper, HMM is applied to distinguish Wake , REM and S 2 by one channel EEG.
用隐马尔可夫模型(HMM) 从单导睡眠脑电中区分W期 、 REM期 和S2期.
互联网However, virtually all present - day sedatives suppress REM, while Inception's designer drugs also negate real REM effects.
然而, 几乎所有现有的镇静剂都会抑制REM, 而《造梦空间》中的特制药物也抵消了真正的REM的作用.
互联网First, we have most of our dreams during REM ( Rapid Eye Movement ) sleep.
首先, 我们大多数是在REM ( 眼球快速转动 ) 期间做梦.
互联网The REM statement must be the last statement on the line.
互联网This stage of sleep is called REM, which stands for rapid eye movement.
睡眠的这一阶段称为REM, 表示眼睛快速运转.
互联网And blood pressure drugs asas antidepressants are also well known REM suppressants.
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