The transportation network , above, relies on RFID cards to track commuters in busses, subways and cars.
如上图所示的运输网络, 依赖RFID卡循迹于公共汽车 、 地铁和小车上的乘客.
互联网Encouraged by the spirit of the spider, Bruce decied to try again.
受到那蜘蛛精神的鼓舞(鼓励), Bruce决定再试一次.
辞典例句Surface treatment mode of grating : Hot dipped galvanization: galvanization should be carry out after basic work.
表面处理方式 SURFACETREATMENTMODE 热浸锌处理: 热浸锌处理一般在基本工作完成之后进行.
——期刊摘选Merrill Lynch and JPMorgan took the other top five places.
名列前五的还有美林(MerrillLynch)和JP摩根 (JPMorgan).
互联网John Normand , at JPMorgan , believes that the global economy has turned the corner.
JP摩根(JPMorgan) 的约翰·诺曼德(JohnNormand)相信,全球经济已转危为安.
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