Dominant genera were mainly Polygonum, Aconitum, and so on.
互联网The application of Polygonum hydropiper L. on botanical pesticides, medicine and health care, medicine was reviewed.
综述了中草药辣蓼在植物源农药 、 医药保健 以及 兽药等方面的应用.
——期刊摘选Of which 19 families such as Compositae, Liliaceae, Papilionaceae made up 49.4 % of the total species, 26 generaincluding Polygonum , Clematis, etc.
菊科 、 百合科 、 蝶形花科等19个大科的种数达总种数的49?4%, 蓼属 、 铁线莲属等26个大属的种数达18?5%.
互联网Megaspore tetrad is linear. The chalazal megaspore develops into an embryo sac of Polygonum type.
大孢子四分体为线形, 合点端功能大孢子发育成为蓼型胚囊.
互联网Conclusion: Extract of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb. ( PmT ) have effect of decrepit obviously.
结论: 何首乌提取物具有明显的抗衰延寿作用.
——期刊摘选ObjectiveTo determine the emodin and chrysophanol contents in Rheum officinale Baill . and Polygonum multiflorum Thunb.
互联网Objective To select the optimum resin of adsorption and elution of piceid Polygonum cuspidatum.
互联网The polygonum multiflorum , Mai Dong, the flax kernel nourishes yin.
何首乌、麦冬、天冬 、 胡麻仁滋阴润燥.
互联网We had investigate the chemical constituents Polygonum viviparum L.
互联网Naokang capsule is a pure traditional Chinese medicine, which consists Radix Puerariae, Polygonum multiflorum Thunb.
脑康胶囊是由葛根、何首乌 、 丹参、川芎等七味中药制成的复方制剂,具有补益肝肾,填精补髓, 活血通脉的功效.
互联网Objective To analyze the constituents in the extracts from the seeds of Polygonum hydropiper L.
互联网The researches on chemical constitunents and pharmacological activities of polygonum plants began at 1980 s.
互联网Objective To supply reference for stipulating rules for quality control of Polygonum multiflorum Thunb.
互联网Results Established movements lifes table of wild Polygonum aviculare population.
互联网Establishment and Optimization of ISSR - PCR Reaction System for Polygonum Thunb.
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