[人名] [英格兰人姓氏] 彼得森取自父名,来源于Peter,含义是“彼得之子”(son of Peter);[地名] [美国] 彼得森;
Building brand loyalty is critical to the success of the Peterson company.
互联网Nicholas Lardy at the Peterson Institute in Washington is more circumspect.
互联网Peterson was let go after less than two years.
柯林斯例句However, Nicholas Lardy a fellow at the Peterson Institute, disagrees.
但彼得森国际经济研究所(PetersonInstitute)的尼古拉斯?拉迪( NicholasLardy )持有异议.
互联网Effect of Peterson coil on single - phase fault is also discussed.
分析了消弧线圈对 单相 接地故障的影响及其引起故障量的一些新特点.
互联网Petri Nets was raised by Carl Adam Petri in Germany and set forth by Peterson later.
互联网Peterson believes it also was affected by a power surge.
互联网Ralph: Hello, Ms Fields. This is Ralph Peterson at World Computers.
拉夫: 嗨, 菲尔兹女士. 我是世界电脑的瑞夫?皮特森.
互联网Mr. Green has got an appointment with Mr. Peterson this evening.
互联网Have you seen Mr. Peterson recently?
最近你见过彼得森先生 吗 ?
辞典例句Peterson: ( Standing up ). Goodbye. We will get back to you very soon.
彼得森: ( 起身 ) 再见, 我们很快会再联络你.
互联网We duelled for two years and Peterson made the most of it, playing us off against each other.
柯林斯例句His name is: John Peterson.
初中英语口语25天快训Peterson suddenly found himself in the thick of desperate fighting.
柯林斯例句Are you going home for Christmas, Mr. Peterson?
你要回家过圣诞节吗, 皮特森先生?
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