posts;Telegraphs and Telephones <法>邮电总局;
Keep pressing the PTT button down and speak with a normal voice into the apparatus.
——期刊摘选The differences between the bicomponent PTT and T 400 in the appearance and performance are described.
互联网The kinetics of PTT direct esterification under different temperature was studied.
研究了不同温度下PTT( 聚对苯二甲酸丙二醇酯)直接酯化反应动力学.
互联网PTT Remote Control: No more heavy Radios in your hands.
PTT远程控制: 便捷的无线电接收器.
互联网As a new fiber, the excellent performances of PTT are noticed: elastic recovery and easy dyeing.
PTT 纤维是一种新型纤维, 具有优异的回弹性和易染性.
互联网The rheological property of polytrimethylene terephthalate ( PTT ) was studied with capillary rheometer.
采用自制的毛细管流变仪研究了聚对苯二甲酸丙二醇酯 ( PTT ) 的流变性能.
互联网The synthesis, structure, properties and some applications of PTT were discussed in this paper.
本文较系统地阐述了PTT的合成 、 结构 、 性能及应用.
互联网The spinning temperature should be well controlled to control melt viscosity during PTT production.
在PTT生产 中,应严格控制纺丝温度,通过温度来调节熔体粘度.
互联网The latest technical advance of 1, 3 - propanediol for PTT raw materials production technique were introduced emphatically.
以及生产PTT的原料1, 3- 丙二醇生产工艺近期所取得的新进展.
互联网The results showed that PTT fabrics had soft handle , drape and anti - crease.
通过测试分析可以得出:利用PTT纤维 可得到柔软 、 悬垂、 抗 皱的弹性机织物.
互联网POE - g - MAH can promote the crystallization of PTT, but there was critical saturation content of promotion effect.
POE 马来酸酐接枝 物能促进PTT的结晶, 但存在临界用量,在15%时促进结晶作用达到饱和.
互联网With single vibration sensor, big PTT and acoustic tube.
配置高灵敏度振式传感器, 大式PTT以及声学式导管.
互联网The application, market and process development of PTT were introduced briefly.
简要介绍了聚对苯二甲酸丙二酯(PTT)的应用 、 市场和工艺发展.
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