PIF is composed of two polarizers and a series of birefringent crystals between them.
互联网Each PIF must be signed and initialled where necessary manually , not mechanically or electronically.
本表签名需以手签为准, 不接受打印或电子签名.
——期刊摘选Any attachment must be initialled by the Notary Public and the person completing this PIF.
互联网Conclusions: PIF can obviously promote the immunological function of patients with gynecoloigic malignant tumor.
结论: PIF能提高妇科恶性肿瘤病人的细胞免疫功能及体液免疫功能.
互联网Otherwise, the SRA will require an originally completed PIF.
互联网The Form The Exchange requires an originally completed PIF and two photocopies of the original.
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