Professional Golfer, Association of America 美国职业高尔夫球协会;Professional Golfer' Association of America 美国职业高尔夫球协会;
The Tat signal peptide detecting vector of PGA were constructed.
互联网Objective To examine whether domestic - made PGA scaffold affects human tennocyte, keloid and skin fibroblast proliferation.
互联网Suitable drawing temperature and slow drawing rate were profitable for making PGA fiber with high tenacity.
——期刊摘选PGA Grand Slam of Golf is limited to winners of the four majors.
期刊摘选The � � - PGA hydrogel swelled on the high pH region ( pH 9.0 ).
在 pH 值 9.0时 具有较强的溶胀能力.
互联网Hire a PGA instructor for a series of golf lessons for you and dad.
互联网The viscosity properties of food thickening agent propylene glycol alginate ( PGA ) are studied.
研究了食品增稠剂藻酸丙二醇酯 ( PGA ) 的粘度特性.
互联网The realization of phase gradient autofocus ( PGA ) algorithm was described.
描述了相位梯度自聚焦 ( PGA ) 算法的实现步骤.
互联网We start with PGA Golf Professionals teaching all of our classes.
互联网A programmable gain amplifier ( PGA ) is designed for the client of mobile multimedia broadcasting system.
互联网Configuration is an important aspect affecting PGA performance is a major factor in relocation costs.
互联网Your name is Jamie Cairncross ( PGA Group ).
你叫杰米·凯恩克劳斯 ( 就职于PGA集团公司 ).
互联网There are two means available for the preparation of PGA - synthesis polymerization and ring - opening polymerization.
互联网The European PGA Tour.
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