Personal digital system 个人数字系统;
Plasmodesmata ( PDs ) are cytoplasmic structures that link adjacent cells to form the symplast of a plant.
胞 间连 丝作为一种细胞质结构将相邻的细胞连系起来而形成植物的共质体.
互联网The training program aims to introduce the computer - aided pattern design system ( Gerber System – PDS 2000 ).
互联网Specifically, for each additional point on the PDS the risk for these outcomes doubled.
而且, PDS量化表中每增加一分,这些结果的风险性会加倍.
互联网This article first introduces the sort and application of the present software on plant design.
互联网The professional modules of three - dimensional CAD program and the reason for selecting this PDS are described.
主要介绍了有关三维CAD软件――PDS的 各专业模块以及该软件得到许多单位选用的理由.
互联网This paper describes the application and research of desulfurization and decya - nation by PDS in Coke - Oven gas.
互联网RESULTS: Compared to control group, ultrafiltration volume was remarkably reduce in PDS groups ( P < 0.05 )
高糖组腹膜透析8周尿素氮清除率与对照组相比较明显降低 ( P<0.05 ).
互联网A new process of purifying coke over gas ( COG ), named A - PDS process, has been developed.
本文介绍了以焦炉气中自有的NH_ 3为碱源,在PDS ( 双核酞菁钴磺酸盐 ) 的催化作用下,脱除煤气中H_ 2S 、 HCN的 工艺模拟研究,提出了新的焦炉气净化工艺流程, 称为A - PDS工艺.
互联网PDS modular design, and therefore the most easy - to - wiring on the expansion and reorganization.
PDS采用模块化设计, 因而最易于配线上扩充和重新组合.
互联网High PDS scores also significantly predicted worse asthma control and poor asthma - specific quality of life.
互联网Personal Digital Solutions ( PDS ) integrate the fields of computing, communications and entertainment.
个人数位系统整合了电脑 、 通讯及娱乐等领域.
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